Impact of Shadow Training on the Ability of Push Forward Punch Techniques in Table Tennis


  • Sandi Ahmad Pratama STKIP Yapis Dompu



Shadow drills, punches push forehand


The purpose  of  the study.  To improve the abilities of atlets, a trainer is required to guide atlets in efforts to help and spur development in achieving learning outcomes. For this reason, a trainer must be able to choose and determine the appropriate training method or technique.

Materials and methods.  The research design used One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The research subjects used were 26 people with purposive sampling technique.

Results.  The results of data analysis using the test obtained the t-value of 7.710 and the t-table of 2.060.

Conclusions.  So that from the results of this study it can be concluded that there is an effect of shadow training on the Improvement of the Forehand Push Technique in Table Tennis.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Pratama, S. (2021). Impact of Shadow Training on the Ability of Push Forward Punch Techniques in Table Tennis. INSPIREE: Indonesian Sport Innovation Review, 2(1), 08-16.